Live in Funding Costs

Live-in care costs are comparable to those of a care home and for couples, they can be particularly attractive due to potential cost savings. There are many variables that impact the cost of live-in care, including the health of the person receiving care, the conditions they are living with and the type of provider you use to receive care in your own home. The range of weekly fees will differ from provider to provider.

We quote the Live-in care costs as a all-inclusive weekly price once the requirements and needs have been assessed. There are no extras to be added to this figure.

Once the inclusive weekly fee is agreed with you, typically there will not be an increase in live-in care costs unless there is a significant change to the care your loved one needs. Annual inflationary rises (usually in April) in live-care costs are usual practice with all providers in the sector and will need to be considered by families when looking at the longer term.

We are happy to discuss any individual requirements you may have at any time. Please call us on +44 (0)203 434 6040 or email us on or complete the contact us.

1st Floor Unit, Hudson Yard, 58 Charlotte Road, London, EC2A 3QT