We are a London based provider operating nationwide

Patient Discharge Services

We are also one of a small number of providers that are approved to support all Public Authorities with our Patient Discharge Service and Virtual Wards. The Patient Discharge and Mental Health Step Down Beds Services SBS Framework Agreement has been developed to reduce the demand on NHS Trusts by supporting with their adult patient discharge pathways.

Patient Discharge Services

  1. Facilitate transfer of patients from hospital beds to a more appropriate level of care.
  2. Supply additional bed capacity within the NHS urgent care system infrastructure by relieving bed pressures within the local health economy.
  3. Discharge patients meeting specific clinical criteria into an appropriate care setting, reducing instances of re-admission to hospital.
  4. Allow patients to have personalised one-to-one support maintaining continuity of care. Provide a dedicated pathway to hospital discharge management services.


Patient Discharge and Mental Health Step Down Beds Services – NHS SBS


Who can take advantage?

All Public Sector Organisations across the United Kingdom.

What does this framework agreement cover?

The Patient Discharge Mental Health Step Down Beds Services Framework Agreement offers support to hospitals in the discharge of adults and improves the patient pathway, from acute care to an appropriate care setting. It helps to streamline the transition from hospital to the community/care homes, and therefore reduces delayed transfers of care and unavoidable re-admissions to hospital includes Virtual Wards.

What are the benefits of implementing a Patient Discharge Solution?

  • Reduced length of acute bed stays post medical discharge.
  • Support the reduction in acute trust unplanned re-admission rates and generate savings to participating authorities from re-admissions.
  • Reductions in cancellations of elective operations because of a lack of bed capacity Reduce inappropriate discharge of patients during out of hours.
  • Reduce bureaucracy and confusion around Patient Discharge processes which lead to delays for patients and add cost to the system.
  • To facilitate efficient and effective communication and coordination between health and awarded providers within social care in order to meet specific patient needs.
  • Support adequate and timely information which must be shared between services whenever there is a transfer of care between individuals or services.


We have designed and built Patient Discharge Solutions for Councils and the NHS. Our collaboration with public authorities and the NHS has helped to reduce re-admission levels and greatly improve the numbers of patients able to receive care at home. It is a reality that those receiving care recover better if that care is received within their own homes. We provide a far quicker service than that from an Adult Social Care provider, facilitating those in our care to become enabled faster helping to retain their dignity in the process and lessening the burden on their loved ones.

Our highly skilled team are always available to talk through any questions you may have about any of our Services. We are always accessible on this number 02034346040 or you can send an enquiry by clicking on the Enquire Here button below.

We are happy to discuss any individual requirements you may have at any time. Please call us on +44 (0)203 434 6040 or email us on info@airmidstaffing.co.uk or complete the contact us.

1st Floor Unit, Hudson Yard, 58 Charlotte Road, London, EC2A 3QT