We are a London based provider operating nationwide

Acquired Brain Injury

Brain injuries can throw entire families into disarray in a very short time frame. Depending on the severity, many people affected need round-the-clock brain injury support.

The repercussions of suffering from a brain injury can be an incredibly stressful period. We understand the immense difficulties families and love ones face with decisions on course of treatment and home care support.

We provide nurse-led care for people living with and rehabilitating from brain injuries. We are experienced in supporting people in their own homes with person-centred care plans that are based on the individual’s needs and are assessed by our Clinical Team. We can support individuals with a wide range of brain injuries in various ways, depending on the person’s needs, preferences, and goals. Some of the possible ways are:

  • Providing personal care, such as helping with washing, dressing, toileting, and medication.
  • Providing mobility support, such as assisting with transfers, walking, and using equipment.
  • Providing rehabilitation support, such as helping with exercises, speech therapy, and cognitive training.
  • Providing social and emotional support, such as offering companionship, listening, and counselling.
  • Providing practical support, such as helping with household tasks, shopping, and cooking.
  • Providing respite support, such as giving the family carers a break or relief.
  • Providing emergency support, such as responding to any urgent or unexpected situations.

Our Clinical Team will work with you to create a personalised care plan that is based around your existing routines, needs, medication and rehabilitation requirements. In most cases, each care plan has a focus on neuro-rehabilitation activities to help with re-learning everyday tasks.

How do we support you independently living in your home?

  • Our experienced and trained Carers and Nurses collaborate with all other Healthcare Professionals involved in your care.
  • Access to Personalised Clinical Care Plan and Electronic Patient Notes system. Access is given to loved ones where deemed appropriate, as well as your wider healthcare team.
  • Overseeing Clinical care on all Care Delivery whether staffed by experienced Nurses or by Trained and Experienced Care Professionals.

We are happy to discuss any individual requirements you may have at any time. Please call us on +44 (0)203 434 6040 or email us on info@airmidstaffing.co.uk or complete the contact us.

1st Floor Unit, Hudson Yard, 58 Charlotte Road, London, EC2A 3QT